When I started to get so many blocks for this project I wrote a letter in our local Opinion column of the Clarion News asking for help from the locals with the quilt project for Kevin.
The day my request ran I was excited because the front page had a photo of smiling church ladies with their award winning quilts. I was sure they would contact me and help with the quilts. WRONG, no one, not one person was willing to help or give a little to help with the purchase of fabric to finish the quilts.
I felt like the little Red Hen, who will help...not I, not I said the community. Many of the ladies at HGTV sent money along with the blocks they made. But, quilts are not cheap to make. I covered the rest of the mailings, fabric, batting & thread with my Social Security check.
A few days ago I went to our tiny post office to send off the quilt top to our Quiltcat Blue to be longarm quilted in the state of Florida. The Post Master is a lovely lady. I showed her the Quilt top and told her how disappointed I was in our community after strangers across the nation were willing to support this family but not one person locally.
She knew what I was saying. She said they won't help unless they get all the credit. SHAME on them! Then she surprised me, went for her purse and gave a nice donation towards the quilts which I still need to purchase one backing and all the bindings.
Thanks! Post Master of the Lamartine Post Office for your heart given gift!