Bee's Hive

Thursday, April 18, 2013


Remember the strings I hung out for the birds...well they are being put to use. A robin tried to build her nest on top of a new window for the potting shed that was sitting outside. My son removed the window and the start of the nest or we would be waiting weeks to put the window in.

Robin's can't be discouraged easily. Robin- okay, I can't build it outside the shed so I'll build it inside the shed. No matter how many times we walked in and out of the shed she would peep loudly and fly to the other side of the room...but not leave.

The nest is almost finished. My son took a picture of it and when it was loaded on the computer I saw my strings. Robins are pretty sloppy nest builders on the outside but in the center the nest is well mud covered.
Do you see the yellow, white, pink and blue strings woven into the nest...guess she doesn't like red!

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