Bee's Hive

Saturday, April 9, 2016

April 9th..Spring??

Spent the past days in Pittsburgh, Pa. at the RA doctor. It poured cats and dogs across the state and back again!  But....this morning rain would seem pleasant compared to what we woke up all day event!

Looks like today will be a day of quilting on one of the quilts and reading my new book, Killing Regan. I don't think I'll need an excuse to take a nap too when it's 28, windy and snow is blowing against a heavy dark sky.

Last week was national crayon day. I've always loved crayons! Getting a box of 64 crayons was always on my list of things I wanted. When my boys would empty their school bags on the last day of school every June, the crayons that were in good shape went into a tin can. Over the years I managed to gather 2 cans of crayons which eventually the grandchildren used up one can. I still have one can. I noticed many of the crayons were pink or from the pink family...laughing...with 4 boys pink crayons were just not used to color GI Joe or Ninja turtles!

I've just decided, as I sit here, to take advantage of the winter's last stand. I'm going to get dressed warm and take a stroll in the yard and look and see if the blue birds are in their house staying warm.