Bee's Hive

Sunday, March 22, 2015

No up date to give.......

Once again I ended up in the hospital. I have an infection so the port and Chemo hasn't happened. I don't really have an up date for Facebook or here. This cellulitis is not responding to medicine. That's about it for now.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015


Well once again I spent last week in the hospital. This time it was the Cancer Center for the Cellulitis. It was so bad in my legs that I couldn't walk and it had also turned up on my belly. IV treatment helped but I'm not sure if this will be the end of it. This morning my legs are once again so swollen I can't bend my knee's or ankles...guess we'll see as time goes on.

I'm on the list for March 17th to have the port put in my chest in the morning and get the first installment of Chemo that afternoon. The oncologist told me the drug they have to give me will make all my hair fall out. Looks like I'll be getting my summer hair cut early.

I'm still plugging away at making Dave's wool quilt. I'm so close to having the top put together but it's not a project I can do in the hospital so I'm hoping I can stay home long enough to finish!

I do have hand work to do on the "Get your Mrs. Claus on" project. That project has to get done and in the mail soon. I'm also beading cotton caps I bought to wear.

I've been getting some pretty gifts from friends. I hope to get some photo's together to post. Everyone has been so thoughtful!  I even got false eyelashes and aqua nail polish!